Conservation dogs –
new survey methods for wildlife detection
Learn how dogs can benefit conservation, from detecting bat carcasses at the base of a wind turbine to tracking downs scats of elusive species in woodland.
Wednesday 5th October @ 7.30pm – talk by Louise Wilson and demonstration from Twister the bat dog – not to be missed!
Venue: Brandon Marsh, Warks Wildlife Trust, CV3 3GW. £3 members £4 non-members
We were delighted to be asked by Jackie Underhill and Anna Swift to attend Warwick Bat Group in October to carry out a demo of Twisters capability as a bat carcass detection dog and deliver a presentation about Conservation Dogs and our projects.
We recieved a great welcome and had such a great turn out and so many enthusiastic people in attendance. The demo was done unfortuantely in pouring rain much to the spectators dissapointment , oh and of course my own. But it didnt prevent Twister from doing his job in limited light as well due to the demo taking place at night.
I was so happy to hear from ecologists and conservationists that they were impressed with the speed at which Twister found and indicated on the bat carcass'. My collegue Sarah Young attended also and was a great help in assisting with the dogs and all our equipment too. So Thanks Sarah.
I even had a volunteer ask to collect the carcass's at the end of the demo that had been flagged by Twister and myself, and the bats still were very hard to find and collect even then. Making it apparent how dogs can conciderably speed up the detection rate and accuracey of bat and bird carcass's collection.
Bo- Explosive detection dog at recent search. |
Twister had a great time and I also brought in my Explosive Detection Dog "Bo", my Springadore, as she loves events like these and is thrilled to say hello to everyone.
I cant wait to have a second visit to Warwick bat group and I also want to thank them for the lovely hospitality and kindness they showed on our visit.