Monday, 23 May 2011

Another interview...

Louise Wilson of Conservation Dogs  featured on BBC Radio Wales.
Good evening Wales News programme 7pm.
Check out i player to listen again.

 listen from :-1.53.53sec


My Barking at the moon Radio interview

My First Radio Interview
By Helen Evans of Conservation Dogs.

On Thursday the 28th April 2011 at around 11pm I did a live radio interview on BBC Radio London ‘Barking at the Moon’ talk show as seen on TV Recently on "A different breed" documentary on SKY1.

  We had been approached to do the interview by Anna Webb a co host on the BBC show. Anna had seen an editorial in Your Dog magazine regarding Conservation Dogs and wanted to know a little more about this exciting project.

 This was my first live Radio talk which was a little nerve wracking but once a got taking about my passion regarding conservation dogs, the conversation flowed, and I wish I had longer time in the end.

We discussed why dogs can be used for conservation purposes, who wants these services, which give a cost effective more efficient way of searching. Anna and JoAnne were particularly interested to explore what a Pine Marten Scat Detection Dog involved, so I began to explain why and how we started to train Luna our Pine Marten Scat Detection Dog. We discussed any constraints we have been faced with and a recent search in Scotland that Luna was deployed for her first operational search.

As ‘Barking at the Moon’ was aimed at dog lovers and the hosts of the show were genuinely interested to learn about using dogs for conservation purposes I did thoroughly enjoy discussing and sharing my knowledge and enthusiasm  for Conservation Dogs.

Hopefully this is the first of many Radio shows to come my way...wish me luck.

Helen Evans

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Conservation Dogs staff member attends Great Crested Newt Course

Rhiannon Atkin and Tyler one of our detection dog team

 Rhiannon Atkin from Conservation dogs attended a Great Crested Newt Course in April and here's a bit about it:


Great crested newt and licensing for surveyors course

Date: - 20 April 2011
Location: - Rixton Claypits Local Nature Reserve, (SSSI, SAC) Warrington, Cheshire
Organised by: - The Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust
Tutor:-David Orchard

     Course overview

Species identification
An introduction to legislation
Great crested newt ecology
Natural England survey methods
Survey planning
Habitat Suitability Index for great crested newts

Rhi really enjoyed the course and thought it was very informative and definitely helped in allowing us to understand where and how detection dogs could be used viably in helping with Great Crested Newt surveys.

Rhi successfully completed the course and gained her certificate, we will be applying for a GCN License and increasing our involvement in GCN surveys with ecologist and conservationist over the coming months.

If your interested in a Great Crested Newt detection dog, or are able to donate GCN Gauze samples for scent training we would love to hear from you.



Monday, 16 May 2011

Where does all the time go......

Time has flown by so fast since my last blog, work has been crazy with dogs needing to be trained for Wagtail UK as well as Conservation dogs.

GREAT....we received more scat today for Luna's ongoing continuation training, we have run out of scat as the old scats are so dry and mouldy they just aren't usable, so these scats are just in time. There are a few areas we just need to consolidate with Luna's training but she is doing great, we hope to take her to Ireland in June for some environmental training and scent consolidation also.
She is still a beautiful, playful and happy dog and she pesters me to go training, she would like to train all day every day..... that's what I call a good working dog.

Twister our Bat dog is doing great, he is a hairy fella at the moment so soon a clip is required, don't worry I will post the pictures of his new hair cut. I am giving him plenty of supplements at present as he is one of my oldest dogs at nearly 7 years old, to ensure he stays fit and healthy I give him joint supplements and multi vits as well as good old Cod liver oil, he seems fine, but prevention is better than cure.

Our Great Crested Newt dog....... we had a dog called Toby in training as a Great Crested Newt (GCN)detection dog, but due to such long delays in acquiring adequate GCN scent on Gauze swabs we had to rehome Toby as there was no point keeping him hanging on until we can acquire a GCN license. The license will help us get access to GCN for training.  This project is ongoing and we hope to have a GCND Dog trained by the end of this year.

Archie- Mouse dog- he is doing great, his handler is made up with his working ability and efficiency. MITIE are very pleased with him. He comes to see us at our training establishment which is always great to see one of our old dog and colleagues.

Anti Animal Smuggling dogs(Wildlife Detection Dogs).....everyone must have seen the recent news articles about animal Smuggling, this is terrible and it really is getting worse and must be stopped.
Our Director Collin Singer when visiting Singapore and Hong Kong recently met with potential clients and government agencies. They discuss this ongoing problem of animal smuggling and how dogs could help with preventing such a high number of animals being smuggled daily. We hope to get more involved with this in the coming months and will keep you posted on any development.
Either way this has got to stop, illegal meat trade, animal smuggling, illegal animal by-product trade....all of it must stop, but don't forget, the demand needs to stop also, not just the criminals that do the smuggling.
Want to know more...

Here's to Toby, who now has a fun filled life with a new owner.
A big Thanks to Sarah.